Saturday, December 8, 2012

Live Right Now

"...Isn’t language interesting?

For example, a bus station is where a bus stops
A train station is where a train stops. On my desk is a work station. It is where . . .

At church we hope those who sit on the stand understand how long we can stand to sit.

When they grow on vines, blackberries when green are red. 
Wireless BlackBerries when read in class make green instructors blue.

The title of my talk—Live Right Now—also has dual meaning. 
“Live right now” can mean “live—right now.” It can also mean “live right—now.” 
Both meanings testify to the supernal blessings of choice—what the scriptures call “moral agency” (D&C 101:78)."
[Gerrit W. Gong]

This is from an insightful, uplifting, and inspiring speech by Dr. Gerrit W. Gong called "Live Right Now,"about decision-making in our lives. 
You can find it here, on  
I mean, who doesn't wonder about quintessential existential dilemmas? :)
{Don't worry, definitions are included in the speech}

{From Google Images; think it's a good representation of how it feels to live right now!}

A quote from the talk: 
"The remarkable truth “Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy” (2 Nephi 2:25) assures us existential choice need not engender forlornness, anguish, and despair (as described by Jean-Paul Sartre) but, ultimately, the joy for which men and women are."

beautiful thing:
our power to choose

peace out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww. even though you post every once in a while, they are super good. Usually makes me think and smile at the same time.