Monday, August 1, 2011

Don't miss this!!!!!

my friends, I have an awesome opportunity for you!!
ever heard of Kiva?

[well.  now you have.]
it's a great non-profit organization that allows regular people like you and me to lend $25 (or more) to hard-working entrepreneurs all over the world.  

Here's how it works:  
You make an account.
You loan $25 (or more) to the borrower of your choice. 
{There's a list on the website}
They pay you back, a little bit at a time.
When you get at least $25 back, you can invest in someone else.
{or withdraw, if you really want to be like that}

by investing only $25, you can help lots of people fulfill their dreams and make an honest living.

the best part?
Here's your chance to do it... 
...if you sign up by following this link:
Kiva will pay your $25 for you.
So all you have to do is sign up.
Pick a borrower.
Make a difference.
At no cost to you.

But this offer is only available for the first 4,000 who sign up.  
So what are you waiting around here for?????

I made my first investment in 2009 to a group of ladies running a grocery store in Peru.
They repaid, and I reinvested.
And so the virtuous cycle began. :)

do it.
do it.
do it.
{ummmm.. have i made my point?}

peace out.

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