i haven't blogged for a while, have i?
so much has happened!
they say a picture's worth a thousand words.
here are a looooooot of pictures:
last time seeing Granny & Papa before venturing into the college world.
saying goodbye to our beautiful home gym.
helloooooo smelly dorm tv room! :)
showing off all the bracelets i made over the summer...
maybe all i'll make in my life?
BYU doesn't consider time for hobbies when they assign homework. ha.
camping with the fam my last night before college
{&& the night MOCKINGJAY came out}
my roommate, hailey, & i being legit college girls.
{{she didn't know i was about to smack her upside the head}}
camden (the girl across the hall from us) and i dj'in it up with attikus (my old jeep)

study party in rachael's room...woot woot!
....aaaaand some shots from my room. :)
beautiful thing:
how close my family lives to BYU.
i loved spending labor day weekend with them!
zey r ze bezt.
peace out.
1 comment:
So glad you updated! I've been checking your blog nearly every day. :) We love that you're not far away!
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