This, my friends, is my contribution to falling whistles.
behold, in all it's glory.
[&& on a necklace i made a few weeks ago. it was simply meant to be.]
but alas.. i blogged about this fine company last week.
we'll take a break from tragedy, and have some fun!
beautiful thing #12: pictures
i looove old pictures!
and my dear friend sarah haderlie was brilliant enough to post this on facebook:

5th grade graduation.
good times, good times.
note my suuuper stylish outfit. hippie-slash-almostbellyshirt. attractivvve. and soooooo early-2000's.
also note sarah's princess garb. she looks like one of the two princesses of bamarre, for sure.
love you, sarah!
anyways, this picture inspired some nostalgia in me, and i went on an old-photo rampage! yessss.
me, somewhere between 3 and 5 years old. maybe 4? haha i dunno.
the classic "i'm a country girl" picture. laaaahhhve eeet.
End of 7th grade. This was me and ma bess frannn, jessi.
note the yearbooks. and the livestrong bracelet.
[these are the days when i would squat down in pictures because i was so self-conscious of my height haha]
this is 8th grade ellie. and her new london bff.
[my necklace looked like candy, i swear. i kept wanting to eat it!!]
fun people! and more london. mmm.
[puka shell necklace. wore it erryday that year.]
jess visits london, 2007.
in hollister and a&f.
ward trip to eurodisney =
{sophomore year}
look how mature we got.
once again, with dear sarah.
whaaaaatt cuties, eh?
{rediscovering the macbook.}
:) goodnight, and faretheewell.
tell meee.
what awesome old pictures have you found lately?
peace out.
1 comment:
AAAHHH! Ellie this is fantastic. I was SO excited when I found that picture. Had to share it. And thank you much, I always try to dress like a princess. :) Love you Ellie!
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