Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A glass half full

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This analogy gets a lot of use, and a lot of criticism.  But there's really something to it: we do get a lot more out of life, and are a lot happier, when we focus more on the positive than on the negative.

This works especially when people are involved.  
Progress and happiness grow in love, not fear.  (2 Timothy 1:7)  
People grow through love, not fear.  
When people feel loved rather than criticized
--when they know that they're enough, and worthy of love--
they have a greater capacity to grow, succeed, and serve.

{image from raya's paradise}

That's why I believe "constructive criticism" is rarely constructive (to use the words my Dad has said).  People can often feel attacked and belittled when receiving "constructive" criticism, no matter how true the criticism might be.  In one book of scripture (D&C 121:42-43), God commands us to be gentle, patient, long-suffering and show kindness to others as the general rule -- only giving correction when "moved upon by the Holy Ghost" (aka when God tells us to) and then being sure to express an increase of love towards that person, so that they know we are on their side.

So instead of focusing on what's wrong in others and ourselves, why not seek to catch them doing something right?  
For example,
Why not focus more on how kind it was of so-and-so to open the door for what's-her-name, instead of criticizing so-and-so's outfit?
Why not focus more on how much we enjoy doing [insert physical activity here], instead of hating ourselves for being overweight? 
Why not focus more on how we can make someone's day a little better, instead of wishing what's-her-face would make our day better?

There is a time and a place for the negative.  But in my book, it should be far, far outweighed by the positive.  As we keep our eyes single to hope, gratitude, love, forgiveness, etc., we will be able to see clearly, and recognize that though bad stuff exists, it does not have nearly as much power over us as we once thought.  Even though there are things you want to change in yourself and others, keep working on your goals, and being grateful for the good in yourself, others, and the world around you.  As you do this, the bad stuff will eventually fade away like shadows overpowered by a bright and glorious light.

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It's true.  :)

--Big thanks to my Dad who sparked the idea for this post, and both Dad and Mom who proofread this!--

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