Monday, September 3, 2012

All I Need, continued

This is a sort-of continuation from my post about enough in June.

Do you ever find yourself buying more than you need at the grocery store?
Do you ever kick yourself for wasting too much time on Facebook or NetFlix?
Do you ever feel dissatisfied after eating the first thing you could get your hands on?

I do!

I'm realizing that for activities like shopping, using the internet, eating, etc., it's better for me to identify what I really need first, and then happily and purposefully do that thing.

For example, if I'm feeling uncomfortable, what do I need?  
It could be any number of things:
Food (if I'm hungry)
A hug
A walk
A drink of water
Happy thoughts
A good cry
Uplifting music

Usually if I honestly listen, I will know what the need is.
But if I just run to the pantry, or shove in the earbuds before I pause to really listen, I may find myself trying to get the comfort of a hug through the wrong means.
And that obviously doesn't work.
(After all, when a baby needs to burp, you don't insist on force feeding him.  You pay attention to what he really needs, and you just burp him!)

Because when you start eating, shopping, drawing, whatever, when you don't need to, you won't know when to stop.  If there's no need for it in the first place, then there's no distinct limit to how much you "consume" [for lack of a better word].
{{Note: Often the need is an emotional one for enjoyment, peace, or recreation.  That's okay!}}

Before I get on Facebook, I'm going to ask myself:
Why do I want to get on Facebook?  Is there something specific I'm hoping to accomplish?  
If so, I'll do that thing, get off Facebook, and move on.
If not, I'll think about what it is I do need to be working on, then focus my energies on that instead.
[In fact, I did this just now!  I decided to do this post instead of browsing Facebook.  :)]

By identifying and then acting on our needs, we will have more purpose in our lives, and will be guarded against unimportant distractions that waste time, energy, and money.

The Lord said:
"And if your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is filled with light comprehendeth all things."
Doctrine and Covenants section 88, verse 67

May our eyes be single to His glory.

May we keep focused on what is truly needful (Luke 10:40-42), and thus find authentic happiness, purpose, joy, satisfaction, and beauty in our lives.

Because light is real beauty.


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